Misc., Money Parables
The Retired Greyhound: Money Without Meaning Cannot Create Happiness
•Greyhounds are beautiful creatures. Tall, and sleek; powerful yet graceful. They are built for speed and born to run. For this reason greyhound racing is a popular sport in many places. To ensure that racing greyhounds are motivated to run a lure of some kind must be used. At one time live rabbits were released…
Financial Planning in One Word – Weekly Money Quote (July 18, 2016)
•Money Parables, Saving
The Handful of Pennies Savings Plan
•“‘Save’ – the sum of all financial planning wisdom in one word.” – Phil DeMuth In a recent survey the Federal Reserve board asked Americans how they would pay for a $400 emergency. 47% responded that they would either have to borrow the money, sell something, or they didn’t know what they would do. …
Part of All You Earn is Yours to Keep – Weekly Money Quote (July 4, 2016)
•Investing, Money Parables
Pigeons, Patterns, & Predictions: What Can We Learn About Investing from the Birds?
•“Most of what we call ‘human nature’ becomes a deadly quicksand of maladaptive behavior when allowed to roam free in the investment arena.” –William Bernstein Harvard psychology professor Dan Gilbert jokes in his book, Stumbling on Happiness, that all psychologists vow, sometime in their career, to finish the sentence “The human being is the only…