“Place a substantial premium on the future.” That 7-word answer was given by Natalie Gochnour, associate dean of business at the University of Utah, in response to a question by the Deseret News about the most important financial advice she had ever received. Gochnour received this advice from her father, physician Merrit H. Egan. In…
Pay Yourself – Weekly Money Quote (September 12, 2016)
•Misc., Money Parables
The Secret Keyhole: Unlocking the Door to Happiness
•In Edinburgh, Scotland, in a section of the city known as the Royal Mile, there is a wonderfully restored medieval dwelling known as the John Knox house. The house was originally built in the late 1400s. In the mid-1500s the house was occupied by James Mossman, a well-known and wealthy goldsmith. Mossman was hired to…
Investing, Saving
Save, Invest, Repeat – Weekly Money Quote (September 5, 2016)
Wealth is Like Seawater – Weekly Money Quote (August 29, 2016)
•Misc., Saving
More vs. Enough: The Principle of Financial Finish Lines
•“Wealth is like seawater: the more you drink, the thirstier you become.” – Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher John D. Rockefeller, widely considered to be the richest person in history, when asked how much more he needed to earn until he had enough famously replied, “Just a little bit more.” Author Mitch Anthony reports, “A friend…