Micawber’s Favorites – August 19, 2017
•Here are links to several of my favorite recent articles and resources on money and life. Enjoy: Refusing a Gift From Your Past by Anthony Ongaro at Break the Twitch We are doing some remodeling in our house. A side effect of remodeling is that it has forced us to go through the accumulated junk of…
False Steps – Weekly Money Quote (August 7, 2017)
Micawber’s Favorites – August 5, 2017
•Here are links to several of my favorite recent articles on personal finance and life. Enjoy: The Epic Battle Against the Ball Gag 401k by Mr.WoW at Waffles on Wednesday If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that I believe that low-cost Index funds are the key to successful investing. The…
Use Scholarships Before Student Debt: there are Millions of Unused Scholarships Each Year!
•Money Parables, Saving
Build Like a Bee: Artificial Scarcity is the Key to Building a Financial House that Will Last
•The writer of Proverbs stated, “There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches. (Proverbs 13:7)”. Craig Matters reminds us to “…use technology as a substitute for willpower by having funds automatically deposited into retirement or other savings and investment accounts.” Ronald T. Wilcox explains…