Brent Esplin

When It Comes to Debt, Are You Smarter Than an Octopus?

Stories are great teaching tools.  One of my favorite stories related to personal finance was told by Thomas S. Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, about a visit he made to a church school on the Island of Tonga.  As he peeked in one classroom he noticed that the students were paying unusually…

Calculating Your Personal Savings Rate

In the last post I identified the personal savings rate as the most important measurement in personal finance (What is the Most Important Measurement in Personal Finance?)  In this post I will teach you how to calculate your personal savings rate and how to interpret the results. Historical Perspective Americans are notoriously poor savers.  The…

Personal Savings Rate is the Most Important Measurement in Personal Finance

“Save” – the sum of all financial planning wisdom in one word.  –Phil DeMuth, author and investment advisor Moneyball I recently finished reading the excellent book Moneyball, by Michael Lewis.  The book tells the story of how the Oakland A’s, with a payroll well less than half of baseball’s glamour teams such as the New York…