Brent Esplin

The 10 Smartest Things Ever Said About Insurance

Insurance is defined as “A financial risk management tool in which the insured transfers the risk of potential financial loss to the insurance company…in exchange for monetary compensation known as the premium.”  Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman sums up the purpose of insurance by stating that it can be thought of as “a choice between…

Micawber’s Favorites – October 2016 Roundup

A roundup of my favorite financial articles from October 2016: “Their Up is My Down” by Ms. Montana at Montana Money Adventures Features of the dominant culture in the United States include materialism, instant gratification, conspicuous consumption, and a mountain of debt to finance it all.  Financial choices that support this culture are applauded and celebrated while wise…

The 10 Smartest Things Ever Said About Taxes

The revelation that Donald Trump declared a nearly $1 billion loss on his 1995 tax return has led to taxes being in the news a lot the past week.  The biased reporting and false outrage associated with Trump’s declared loss has been something to behold.  The fact that The New York Times (who broke the story) The…