Everything You Need to Know About Personal Finance in 7 Words

Merrit H. Egan grew up on a dairy farm but claims his parents raised him to be great.  He lived up to those lofty expectations by becoming a successful and prominent physician in Salt Lake City.  Merrit and his wife had 11 children and they did their best to pass on the legacy of success…

My Thanksgiving Post Was Selected for the Carnival of Personal Finance

I hope everyone is enjoying my posts, and more important, learning how to better manage your money.  I enjoy writing and am confident I have a lot of important and helpful information to share. My last post, Thanksgiving Thoughts on Gratitude and What it Means to Have Enough, was included as an “Editor’s Pick” in the “Carnival…

Thanksgiving Thoughts on Gratitude and What it Means to Have “Enough”

This Thanksgiving season I have been reflecting on our constant quest for “more,” on what it means to have “enough,” and on gratitude.   So this week I am going to depart from offering practical advice on money management and instead turn philosophical.  We Want More, We Want More! Many of you have seen the popular…