In the heart of the world-famous red-rock country of Southern Utah, about five miles from what is presently the entrance to Zion National Park, lies the small town of Rockville, Utah. On January 20, 1863, not long after the town was settled by hardy Mormon pioneers, my great-grandfather, Jacob Heathcote Langston, was born. Family legend…
How Much Should You Borrow for a Home?
•Budgeting, Smartest Things Ever Said About Money
The Power of Thrift: A Penny Saved Is…
•Benjamin Franklin famously said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” The witty poet Ogden Nash quipped “A penny saved is – impossible.” The financial writer Andrew Tobias, in his great book The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need, points out that Franklin’s quote needs updating. The updated version, according to Tobias, should read, “A penny saved is…
Is it Smart for Me to Take Out Student Loans?
•In my last post we discussed that, while education is definitely good, it is not wise to take out student loans unless there is a financial payoff for doing so. In other words, you need to increase your earning potential enough through your schooling that you can pay your student loans off in a reasonable amount…
Budgeting, Debt
My “Big Hat, No Cattle” Post was Selected to Appear on “Rock Star Finance”
•My post “Do You Want Financial Security or the Appearance of Wealth,” originally published on December 30, 2013, was selected to appear on, a site that describes itself as “A Collection of Awesome Money Articles.” In this post I introduce the old cowboy saying “Big hat, no cattle” and talk about how it relates to personal finance. If you…
Ask (and Answer) the Right Questions Before Taking Out Student Loans
•When you could pay your way through college by waiting tables, the idea that you should “study what interests you” was more viable than it is today, when the cost of a four-year degree often runs to six figures. For an 18-year-old, investing such a sum in an education without payoff makes no more sense…