If you want to take volatility out of your portfolio, check it less often. –Ronald H. Muhlenkamp, American investor and businessman I am not a “dog person.” I didn’t grow up with dogs and as an adult I didn’t have any desire to own one. My wife, Alice, and I agreed on this. However, we didn’t…
Investing, Money Parables
Avoiding Risk Can Be a Very Risky Investment Strategy
•Some investors tend to avoid risk when it comes to their investments. They want returns without any risks, but avoiding all risk is the same as avoiding potential returns. –Mark T. Hebner, businessman, investor, and author The Parable of the Talents I love the parables of Jesus from the New Testament. One of my favorites…
Everything You Need to Know About Investing On One Page
•My biggest influence in investing, and the person I most admire in the financial world, is John C. Bogle, founder of Vanguard Mutual Funds. My favorite Sunday morning comic strip is Dilbert, by Scott Adams, which pokes fun at corporate and office culture. Bogle and Adams, vastly different in age, style, and occupation have each…
Investing, Money Parables
What is Investing? The Story of Tommy and the Tomato
What are You Willing to Sacrifice to Get Out of Debt?
•Budgeting, Debt, Saving
My Earlier Post “The Power of Thrift: A Penny Saved is…” Is Currently Running on Rockstar Finance
•Another of my posts has been selected to run on Rockstarfinance.com, a website that promotes itself as “A Collection of Awesome Money Articles.” It is my post originally published on January 28, 2014 titled “The Power of Thrift: A Penny Saved Is…” If you haven’t had the chance to read it yet, take a look. …